

Supply Solutions Group (SSG) has experienced significant growth over the past year, thanks to our collaborations with our business partners and clientele and our active involvement in the community.

SSG is not only committed to being the benchmark in providing top of the range products and service, but also showcasing our traditional values.

Supply Solutions Group has had a sterling first half of the year with the installation of our state of the art vending machines at UGL, our expanding presence at Theiss, Mt Arthur South and our very successful open day in March promoting our RFID shipping container sized onsite vending technology.

And yes, once again we are a finalist in the 2024 Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Inc) business awards. Here's hoping we finish off the financial year with a big win. The whole team will be attending the awards ceremony and everyone is keen to have some well earned fun and enter this new chapter in the SSG story.

WE WON! The award for EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION at the Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Inc) business awards.

Steve, Carly, Debra, Dean & Dakota represented our talented team, with Glen celebrating in absentia.

It was indeed well deserved. Our team are constantly focused, passionate and determined to bringing new and cutting edge products to market in order to better serve our clientele, our ever expanding industries, and add intrinsic value to our economy.

The Supply Nation Trade Show was held in Brisbane this year and it was wild success.

UGL Broadmeadow – Flexsense set up – The first of its kind the entire Hunter Valley Region

The joint project with UGL was two years in the making and the supersized vending machines were specifically designed fit for purpose.

These specialised vending machines provide real time reporting.

The vending machines now take pride of place in the UGL workshop allowing ready access as and when required.

Three more vending machines strapped, loaded and ready to be delivered and installed by our expert team at the Theiss, Mt Arthur South Mine.

The addition of these vending machines will make it 5 top of the line vending machines at the Theiss, Mt Arthur Mine, which have become an essential part of operations there.

The RFID launch at our warehouse showcased the latest vending machine technology on the market from ICS, and also displaying a wide range of our products over two action packed days on 7 and 8 March of this year.

This picture showcases the outside view of the entrance to the initial high tech RFID container, where each person scans their ID prior to entering the second container stocking the products. And a number of how top clients can be seen receiving an in-depth explanation of how it operates, including our ubiquitous and highly talented Managing Director. He really is everywhere of late. I guess you can't keep a good man down.

This photo highlights the actual storeroom, which allows for greater storeroom efficiency

inventory accuracy and accountability, and24/7 secure access for authorized employees.

The RFID launch at our warehouse showcased the latest vending machine technology on the market from ICS also displaying a wide range of our products over two days on 7 and 8 March of this year.

The RFID launch at our warehouse showcased the latest vending machine technology on the market from ICS also displaying a wide range of our products over two days on 7 and 8 March of this year.

Here it is. The Coveted Award in all of its Glory!

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All the award recipients are lined up around our Deb and Carly and Deb can be seen showing off our Award, as well as their elegant dance moves.

Our versatile Business Development manager Debra is also a whiz at operating our Vending Machines. Here she is installing our first PPE and Safety Vending Machine at the new Pacific Coal Dartbrook site. Where would we be without her.

Fully stocked and Successful Installation of our first PPE and Safety Vending Machine at the new Pacific Coal Dartbrook site.

John from CRC (one of our premier suppliers) is being flanked by our very own Debra and Glen after delivering a fine, very informative and highly entertaining presentation. He provided our team with first hand demonstrations of how to use and maintain their quality products so we can continue to service our clients just that little bit better.

Working in conjunction with Finnan Home Care Services, we were able to welcome Dylan Graham to our business for work experience. Dylan has shown himself to be very capable in his time with us.

In our very own SSG warehouse, Glen delivers a passionate interview with the ABC on the state of employee recruitment in the coal mining industry in the Hunter Valley.


It was great to see the SSG team on hand to help out today at the 2NM Powerfm Christmas Food and Toy Appeal! Perfect time to remind anyone that if you’re without lunch this Christmas please come see us at the Store between 11am and 1pm and get a pizza on us! Let’s all have a safe and happy Christmas 98.1 Power FM Dave Layzell

We were super proud of our booth at the Supply Nation tradeshow this year can’t wait to do it all again next year! #supplynation #sydneyICC #supplysolutionsgroup #muswellbrook #tradeshow

We were super proud of our booth at the Supply Nation tradeshow this year can’t wait to do it all again next year! #supplynation #sydneyICC #supplysolutionsgroup #muswellbrook #tradeshow

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